
To the home of all things Omnian!
Omnians are a semi-closed species that stemmed from a personal character named Null, created in 2022! They have since been turned into a species for everyone to enjoy. Feel free to browse around, learn about the species, and look through the resources tab if you're interested.
Join our Discord to see updates about the species, take part in fun events and games, and connect with a vibrant art-focused community!

You can find our masterlist below, This is where approved Omnian characters are stored!

Here you can read some of the basic lore to get an idea of whats going on. Keep in mind this is very much a work in progress, and more story will be revealed later on!

the basics

Omnians are a species of many worlds! They are capable of travelling throughout the many dimensions present within the multiverse. The Filament is the realm in-between dimensions that binds them all together. It is also the place where most Omnians live and reside within. Within the Filament, the Omnian's strongest sorcerers tend to and repair the fibers of the multiverse to keep them strong. If the Omnians don't do this, the many dimensions may slip into one another and cause unprecedented chaos.

The Filament

The Filament is a vibrant realm, once an ether filled void, it has since been formed and moulded into a world similar to our own by Omnians. The Filament is comprised of a landmass surrounded by an ocean full of stars. The edges of the Filament are covered in dense, nebulous cloud formations, that when sailed through, spit you back out where you started. The Filament's sky is a beautiful starry swath of purples and blues, crisscrossed by millions of the Filament's threads that intertwine and connect each dimension to one another.

early omnians

The Omnians weren't always dimension hopping lifeforms. They were once mammalian, insect-like creatures that could project their souls through the multiverse inside of dreams or deep meditative states. Primal Omnians lived on a peaceful, grassy planet as nomadic carnivores... Until the goddess of the multiverse, Ophidius, realized the magical potential of the Omnians.

the goddess

Ophidius, after discovering the primal Omnians, decided to take them from their home dimension in order to enslave them. Ophidius' magic had been weakening over the eons, so she was in need of a population to carry out magical work for her. She was a vain deity, and once she took the Omnians from their home dimension, she modified them to resemble herself more closely. Omnians were stripped of their free will for millions of years and forced to do Ophidius' work for her, until she had weakened so much that the Omnians were able to gain freedom once more. collective magical abilities to capture and trap Ophidius inside of a prison dimension for eternity.


After Ophidius was imprisoned, she hibernated for hundreds of years to regain a little of her power. She was not able to escape her prison yet, but she had the power to speak to Omnians through their dreams, causing them nightmares and visions which she used to try and corrupt them. Corrupted Omnians lost the ability to shapeshift, and took on an undead appearance. They rallied around Ophidius' shrine located in the Filament's badlands in an attempt to free her. To this day, she is still trying to escape...

Terms of service

Please make sure you read and understand these terms thoroughly before creating an Omnian, joining the Discord or Toyhou.se world, or re-homing an Omnian character. Warnings will be given, but if you continually or intentionally break any of the terms and guidlines detailed here, you may be removed from the community or even blacklisted from participating in the species at all.Being blacklisted means you are no longer able to paritcipate in community events, join the Discord or Toyhou.se world, buy masterlist approved designs, and the community will be made aware that you are blacklisted. These individuals may appeal their blacklist status with the admin/mod team, but this will be a case by case basis. Depending on why you were blacklisted, you may not be given the chance to appeal.DO NOT USE OMNIANS FOR COMMERCIAL USE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!


MYO (Make your own) slots can be obtained through trading, fictional currency, real world currency, gifting, and reselling. MYO slots are a one-time use. After designing your MYO character and getting it masterlist approved, any heavy redesigns must be re-approved. You can only sell/trade/gift MYO slots to others if they are unused.

Obtaining an approved design

A masterlist approved design can be obtained through buying it, being gifted one, or creating one through an MYO. Common/free Omnians can be approved through the masterlist and become an approved design. Make sure to read through any individual official or guest artist's terms of service before purchasing their designs. If you are blacklisted, you may not buy any approved designs. Any approved designs you had before being blacklisted will stay on the masterlist, but will be given the "voided" status,


There is a one week cool-down to re-homing an Omnian under any circumstances. Anybody is able to make and sell common Omnian adoptables, but you must be an official or guest artist to create and sell aquatic, corrupted, guardian, or primal Omnians. If you are selling a closed MYO design purely for profit, you will be blacklisted. Re-selling or trading has no restrictions other than the one-week cooldown. If you decide to re-home an approved Omnian, you must submit an ownership update through the Discord.

voiding/un-voiding designs

Characters owned by blacklisted users will be marked as "voided", but non-blacklisted users will also be able to void their designs. Voiding a character means you will keep the design. Voiding is for users who would like to disassociate themselves or their character from the community for any reason. Voided characters will not be allowed to use for prompts, events, games, etc.
If you'd like to reinstate your character to an un-voided status, you must make a masterlist update in the Omnian Discord. Un-voiding is available for non-blacklisted users only, including those who have had their blacklisted status appealed. When un-voiding a design, it must be the reinstated to the same design as before it was voided.


NSFW (not safe for work) content includes sexual/suggestive material and fictional gore. Omnians can be used for sexual or suggestive content if the owner of the design is 18 years of age or older, but this kind of content is NOT ALLOWED on the official Omnians Discord server, Toyhou.se world, or any other official community. While sexual content is not allowed, fictional gore art is. Heavy gore art posted through the Discord must be spoiled and posted in the correct channels. Non-sexual nudity is also allowed, which includes both masculine and feminine presenting breasts and nipples. Visible genitalia is not allowed whatsoever.

no harassment or bigotry

Harassment and bigotry is not allowed under any circumstances whatsoever. Including but not limited to; harassment based on sexuality, gender identity, race, culture, and religion. Do not harass blacklisted individuals no matter the reason they were blacklisted in the first place. Violation of this could get you blacklisted as well. Scammers and art thieves will not be taken lightly. If you have a problem with another user that is not breaking any rules, please resolve the matter personally and with respect outside of official circles. Always keep an open mind and spread positivity and acceptance within the community!

frequently asked questions

If you have a question that is not answered below, feel free to let us know through the official Toyhou.se world or Discord server!

Q: What's an Omnian?
A: Omnians are a semi-closed species used for non-commercial means. They're made for fun and usually for artistic purposes in mind.

Q: How can I get an Omnian?
A: You can obtain an Omnian by buying or creating one through an MYO slot. Common Omnians do not need an MYO to be created, and are free for anyone to design.

Q: Can I redesign my Omnian?
A: Small design changes (small markings, slight color changes, etc) do not need to be updated through the masterlist. Heavy redesigns must be submitted and accepted through our Discord.

Q: How many Omnians can I have?
A: Currently there is no limit to how many Omnains you can have.

Q: Are there rules that have to be followed?
A: Yes! Read through the Terms of Service before creating an Omnian.

Q: Can I make up my own story with my Omnian(s)?
A: Yes! Since Omnians are a multiverse faring species, you may put them into any universe/story you desire as long as you continue to follow our guidelines.

Q: What's an "MYO?"
A: MYO stands for "Make Your Own". If you obtain an MYO slot, you can use it to design a closed Omnian subspecies. MYO's can be obtained through gifts, virtual or real currency, and trades.

Q: Are there rarity guidlines to follow?
A: Unlike most original species, Omnians do not have common/uncommon/rare traits. Some traits are required for the different subspecies, but other than the mandatory "Do's and Dont's" They're very flexible.

Q: Can I make adoptables?
A: Anybody can make common Omnian adoptables for profit, but only guest and official artists are able to sell aquatic, corrupted, guardian, and primal subspecies.


Below you can find any links to connect to our community. More resources will be added in as we grow, such as official art bases, lore documents, etc.


A basic guide to the Omnian subspecies and their traits! Note that some of the illustrations are placeholders.


Common Omnians are the most widespread type of Omnians! They were the only ones to be created by the goddess, Ophidius, but have since diversified into other subspecies.

✦ Shaped face markings (always a different color than the rest of the body)
✦ Facial "disk", similar to owls.
✦ Sharp teeth.
✦ Animal-like snout.
✦ Antennae.
✦ Large paws & digitigrade legs
✦ At least one pair of wings. This pair is always situated on the sides of the head.
✦ Tails, usually mammalian and long.
✦ Humanoid body only (in true form)

✦ Paws, antennae, and eyes matching the cheek marking color.
✦ Vestigial belly nipples.
✦ More wings!
✦ Hairstyles/long head fur.


Omnians living around the Filament's bay have been changed by the environment into a more streamlined, marine adapted body!
Aquatic Omnians are adept at swimming and enjoy being in and around water.

✦ Shaped face markings (always a different color than the rest of the body)
✦ Facial "disk", similar to owls.
✦ Sharp teeth.
✦ sleek, animal-like snout.
✦ Long, flowy antennae.
✦ Seal-like paws.
✦ At least one pair of wings. This pair is always situated on the sides of the head.
✦ Fish, seal, or whale tails.
✦ Slim mermaid-like body (in true form)
✦ Gills.

✦ Paws, antennae, and eyes matching the cheek marking color.
✦ Vestigial belly nipples.
✦ More wings!
✦ Bioluminescent markings, usually cheek markings


Guardian Omnians are built for strength! This centaur-shaped subspecies contributes to protecting the Omnians from physical threats. They guard the captital city, as well as Ophidius' temple before it was overrun.

✦ Shaped face markings (always a different color than the rest of the body)
✦ Facial "disk", similar to owls.
✦ Sharp teeth.
✦ Animal-like snout.
✦ Antennae.
✦ Large paws on humanoid half, paws and hooves on the -taur half.
✦ At least two pairs of wings. These pairs are always situated on the sides of the head.
✦ Tails, usually mammalian and long.
✦ Centaur shaped body (in true form)
✦ Neck mane of varying length

✦ Paws, antennae, and eyes matching the cheek marking color.
✦ Vestigial belly nipples.
✦ More wings!
✦ Saber teeth.


Corrupted Omnians are the product of the vengeful goddess Ophidius. They are partially undead, and turned into the goddess' loyal servants. They can no longer speak or shapeshift, and have unstable magic.

✦ Shaped face markings (always a different color than the rest of the body)
✦ Facial "disk", similar to owls.
✦ Sharp teeth.
✦ Animal-like snout.
✦ Horns where antennae used to be.
✦ Large monster claws.
✦ Scars on sides of head where wings used to be.
✦ Serpent-like body.
✦ Dark sclera.

✦ Paws, horns, and eyes matching the cheek marking color.
✦ Vestigial belly nipples.
✦ Wings.
✦ Snake fangs.
✦ Mane growing down spine.
✦ Multiple or missing eyes.
✦ Extra arms.
✦ Exposed bones (no organs)


Not much is known about Primal Omnians... Some are not sure they even exist any longer. Omnian explorers and scientists have been searching for the elusive "primitive" Omnian, the form they used to have before the Goddess Ophidius moulded them into what they are today.
The search continues...

